I-15 US-20 Connector
Thank you for your interest in the I-15/US-20 Connector online public scoping meeting.
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD), in cooperation with the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), is initiating an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) study for the I-15/US-20 Connector project. The project will determine improvements to segments of both I-15 and US-20, including six interchanges.
The purpose of this meeting is to gather public input on the alternatives generated during the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) process, including E3, H2, and the no-build alternative. In addition to technical evaluation, public comments will be an important part of the alternatives analysis as the project moves through the EIS process.
How to Navigate:
- Click on the arrows on the bottom left and right side of your screen
- Use the navigation menu at the left of the screen to revisit any part of the meeting
- The pages are intended to be viewed in order to provide information about the study. However, you may use the tabs on the left side of the page to select any page
How to Participate:
- Click through the slides to learn more about the project
- Comments
- Provide your comments at any time by clicking the “ COMMENT" button at the top right of the screen.
- You can close the form to continue through the slides. Please make sure to hit the “Submit” button to confirm that your comment is sent to the project team.
- The entire session should take less than 15 minutes to complete.
NEPA Process
The EIS process is expected to take two years to formally document project approvals.

Click image to enlarge
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will be the Federal lead agency overseeing and ultimately responsible for the EIS process. ITD is the project sponsor providing day to day management.
Additionally, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have agreed to be Cooperating Agencies which means they will participate in the process and plan to review and adopt FHWA’s EIS and Record of Decision.
A Preferred Alternative will be selected based on:
- Public input from this meeting and previous meetings conducted as part of the PEL process
- Forecast travel demand traffic analysis
- Refined analysis of the design and constructability
- Findings from more detailed environmental analysis including impacts to:
- Community resources
- Sensitive noise receptors
- Wetlands, parks and recreational resources
- Historic properties
- Input from the City of Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, the Bonneville Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Idaho Falls Regional Airport and other state and federal resource agencies
* The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will be the Federal lead agency overseeing and ultimately responsible for the EIS process. ITD is the project sponsor providing day to day management.
Additionally, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have agreed to be Cooperating Agencies which means they will participate in the process and plan to review and adopt FHWA’s EIS and Record of Decision.
Purpose and Need
A Purpose and Need statement describes the transportation problems in the corridor and provides context for decision-makers as they consider the best design options.
The purpose of the project is to improve safety, congestion, mobility, and travel time reliability for efficient movement of people, goods, and services on I-15 and US-20 in or near Bonneville County and Idaho Falls.
Improvements are necessary to address the following:
- Unsafe travel conditions caused by substandard weave/merge distances
- Unacceptable level of service at signalized ramp terminals
- Poor pedestrian and bicycle mobility along and across the corridors
Project Background
ITD conducted a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study from 2018 to 2020 for the I-15/US-20 Connector project. The results of the PEL Study will be incorporated by reference into the EIS based on its development in accordance with FHWA regulations.
During the PEL study process, resource agencies were consulted regarding potential environmental impacts of the alternatives under consideration and to help identify issues to be addressed during a subsequent NEPA study. In addition, ITD conducted a robust program to involve the community and the public.
Public input was requested and received at the following key study milestones:
- Project visioning
- Purpose and Needs and project goals
- Screening criteria used for the three levels of screening
- Alternatives development
- Results of Level One, Two, and Three screenings
- Final PEL study recommendations
Completed Public Outreach To Date | |
Event | Input Received |
January 31, 2018: Community Working Group #1 |
Project introduction and scoping |
May 9, 2018: Public Meeting #1 / Community Kickoff |
Project introduction and scoping |
June 20, 2018: Community Working Group #2 |
Review of comments from May 9 public meeting |
August 23, 2018: Community Working Group #3 |
Gather feedback on Level One alternatives |
September 5, 2018: Public Meeting #2 / Open House |
Presentation of Level One alternatives |
November 8, 2018: 81st Street Neighborhood Meeting |
Neighborhood-level review of alternatives that may impact the 81st Street neighborhood |
April 29, 2019: Community Working Group #4 |
Presentation of Level Two alternatives |
May 16, 2019: Public Meeting #3 / Open House |
Guided tour of Level Two alternatives |
June 10, 2019: 49th Street Neighborhood Meeting (Alternative H) | Neighborhood-level review of Level Two Alternative H |
February 27, 2020: Community Working Group #5 | Presentation of Level Three alternatives updated from the CRAVE workshop |
July 20, 2020: Community Working Group #6 | Presentation of the two Recommended Alternatives and the No Action Alternative to be carried forward to a NEPA study |
August 6-24, 2020: Public Meeting #4 / Virtual Meeting | Presentation of the Level Three alternatives and the two Recommended Alternatives and No Action Alternative that will be carried forward to a NEPA study |
No-Build Alternative

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- Assumes the 2045 travel demand forecast volumes travel on the existing transportation network with no changes to the I-15 or US-20 access or interchange configurations
- Includes locally programmed improvement projects that are expected to be completed whether the I-15/US-20 Connector project is completed or not
- The interstate and highway facilities remain the same without impacts to businesses or homes
- Congestion will continue to increase as the travel demand on both I-15 and US-20 grows. Congestion can lead to increased air pollution and travel times as well as safety issues like rear-end crashes.
Alternative E3

Click image to enlarge
- Relocate the existing I-15/US-20 interchange from Exit 119 at Grandview Drive to a new interchange near Olympia Street and realign a portion of US-20
- New bridges would carry traffic from I-15 to US-20 over Lindsay Boulevard, the Pioneer Canal, the Snake River, and Fremont Avenue before connecting with existing US-20
- A reconfigured interchange at the US-20 Exit 309 at Science Center Drive would improve access to local streets
- Multimodal improvements would include new bike lanes and shared-use paths, and new or improved sidewalks
- Improves safety and operations by increasing the distance between I-15 interchange
- Provides more direct access from I-15 to the Idaho Falls Airport via the new 1-15 Interchange
- Impacts to grain silos, an RV park, and other local businesses east of I-15
- Relocation of the businesses served by the railroad
- Construction activities will impact existing businesses and motorists
UPDATE: Alternative E3
- Exit 119 cross street over I-15 was realigned to the south on the west side of I-15 to stay out of airport runway protection zone
- Due to the I-15 widening project between Pocatello and Idaho Falls, ITD is allowing for a future third lane in each direction on I-15 with this alternative so that it is consistent through the corridor
Alternative H2

Click image to enlarge

Split-Diamond Interchange
The split-diamond interchange is a potential option to address the existing conditions. More analysis will need to be performed during the NEPA process to evaluate options on I-15 between Exits 118 and 119.
- The existing I-15/US-20 interchange would be relocated from Exit 119 at Grandview Drive to a new interchange on I-15 just north of the airport
- US-20 would be on a new alignment from the new I-15 interchange east until connecting with the existing US-20 at a new interchange near E 49th N
- A new interchange would be constructed on the new alignment at N 5th W
- I-15 Exits 118 and 119 would be reconfigured to eliminate existing weaving conflicts
- Multimodal improvements would include new bike lanes and shared-use paths, and new or improved sidewalks
- Improves traffic operations of the existing I-15 interchanges by separating regional through traffic and local traffic
- A split-diamond interchange would remove weaving and backup on I-15
- Allows for construction in phases to minimize impacts to motorists
- Alignment goes through a construction material landfill
- Creates a new northern alignment for US-20 through an undeveloped area
UPDATE: Alternative H2
- The mainline improvements near the airport have moved north slightly to reduce impacts to airport properties
- The new interchange between I-15 and US 20 is being designed to not preclude
a future connection to the west.
Ultimate Alt H2 Video Ultimate Alt H2 Virtual Tour - The alignment of US 20 through the Hatch Pit has been refined based on a geotechnical analysis to optimize constructability
- Due to the I-15 widening project between Pocatello and Idaho Falls, ITD is allowing for a future third lane in each direction on I-15 with this alternative so that it is consistent throughout the corridor

Stay Involved
Thank you for taking the time to review the information about the I-15 US-20 Connector Project. Public input will be an important part of choosing the final project that best fits the community’s needs. Please continue to stay involved.
You will receive future mailings as the project moves forward. For more information, visit the project webpage.
You can mail or email comments to the following addresses:
ITD District 6, C/O Ryan Day
206 North Yellowstone Highway
Rigby, ID 83442
To view the comment form and submit comments
online, use the
button at the top right of the screen.
While your comments are always welcome, they can be best utilized if received by October 25, 2022.